OrbVie Mains System
What is it?
The OrbVie Mains System is a mains operated, mineral dispenser that delivers precision mineral dosing to any size herd. It integrates into the water mains and will dose one mineral blend directly into the drinking water.
- Easy to use
- Install in 30 mins
- Indoor Installation/power outlet required
- App-controlled
- Auto dose one mineral blend into the water line for one or more troughs
- Set herd numbers
- Set dosage rate
- Monitors water consumption patterns
- Up to 5.5 bar pressure
- Easily refilled
- Exact Dosing
- Reduce Labour
- Easy to re-order minerals
- Minimal Waste
- Refill reminder notifications to your phone
- Improves herd health
- Increases profitability
“Overall the TERRA NutriTECH System helps my bottom line with less labour and better fertility”
IFAC Customer Report 2020
How it Works
The OrbVie mains system is designed to be in place long term, fixed to a wall and have access to a power supply and water mains. It consists of a small neat box, containing the dosing pump, which is linked up to the mains water supply. The minerals are then hooked up to this system, the instructions are inputted to the system (herd number, dosage etc) and the app is activated – it is now fully automated and will start dispensing.
Start Screen
Confirm Orb refilled to verify /change settings
Change Livestock Units Save
Choose product and rate
Choose herd type
Confirm choices and press start schedule
“It’s great satisfaction knowing my herd are always getting the minerals they require”
B Byrne, Co Meath